Friday, February 03, 2006

Enough Already

There is too much talk about Cindy Sheehan.

I’ve commented at other blog sites about my views of Cindy Sheehan and her recent actions, specifically her arrest before the State of the Union address earlier this week.

There are a lot of folks out there who view her as a media hog. And even more who have labeled her mentally unstable.

Many folks argue that Cindy’s arrest Tuesday night was due to her disregard for the rules of attending this annual event… and that this was just one more attempt at publicity.

However, her behavior was neither inappropriate or illegal, as stated by the Deputy House Sergeant of Arms in the House Gallery, where Ms. Sheehan was seated:

“[They] were operating under the misguided impression that the T-shirt was not allowed,” Deputy House Sergeant of Arms Kerri Hanley said Wednesday. “The fact that she was wearing a T-shirt is not enough reason to be asked to leave the gallery, or be removed from the gallery, or be arrested.”

That said, I think most of my fellow bloggers would agree that regardless of our personal station or situation, when we break the law in this country… we pay with a slice of freedom.

Cindy Sheehan… right or wrong… is no exception.

But to assign her has mentally unstable or a media hog is both irrelevant and unsubstantiated.

She is only as much of a media hog as we the people allow her to be. If we are so tired of Ms. Sheehan’s antics… we have the power to tune it out and turn it off. And when we tune out, the networks lose ratings. And when networks lose ratings, they move on to a new story. Problem solved.

Lastly, to defend (for the last time) Ms. Sheehan’s mental health… I must throw down my trump card.

I’m not a big believer in organized religion. I’ll save that rant for another posting. But I do believe in God. And I believe in the basic dogma of Christianity… love thy neighbor. It is what this country was founded upon.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. [Matthew 7:1].

Most of us have not walked a mile in Ms. Sheehan’s shoes. Losing a child must be the most painful experience a human being can endure. To wake up every morning and know that you will never again see their face or hear their voice… to know they will never marry or have children of their own. I cannot imagine that kind of pain.

So while I do not support ANY action that breaks the law… I do not accept any attack against her as a person. I pray for her. I pray for her to feel peace again. Soon enough, her fifteen minutes of fame will be up… but she will have to live the rest of her life mourning her son.

For that, she owes us no apologies.

Hold your children a little closer tonight.


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