Friday, April 21, 2006

Wag the Dog

Like a mother loves her child… the longer I am a citizen of this country, the more I fall in love with my country and the more I am determined to save it from those who seek to destroy it… which currently seems to be our own administration.

I am so angry with President Bush and his administration, I am sometimes brought to tears by what I learn of these “elected” officials.

I love my country (sans Britney Spears). And I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let these yahoos fuck it up.

So… back to Texas Tea and dead presidents.

As you know, vice president Dick Cheney and secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, are knee-deep in the whole Iran debacle. Thirty years ago, these two men endorsed Iranian plans to build a nuclear energy industry—but also worked hard to complete a multibillion-dollar deal that would have given Tehran control of large quantities of plutonium and enriched uranium—the two pathways to a nuclear bomb.

The current president of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, served under the Ford administration in the Arms Control Disarmament Agency. Wolfowitz is considered a prominent architect of the Bush Doctrine, which has come to be identified with a policy that permits pre-emptive war against potential aggressors before they are capable of mounting attacks against the U.S.

What the Bush administration is pushing, especially through its news agency, Fox News, is that it needs to prevent Iran from achieving the exact same nuclear capabilities that President Ford and his key appointees, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, were encouraging Iran to accomplish 30 years ago.

Iran, a party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (unlike India), is guaranteed the right to develop peaceful nuclear power programs—regardless of whether the U.S. approves or disapproves of the politics or leadership of that country; a point Iran has repeated over and over again… but that you won’t hear on the major networks.

For thirty year, Iran has claimed it needs nuclear power since its oil and gas supplies are dwindling… just like the U.S… and therefore, has the legal right to produce and operate nuclear power plants. Thirty years ago, Cheney and Rumsfeld agreed. Today, these men seem to be wetting their pants with uncontrollable militarized lust, for control of Iranian oil fields via a U.S. occupied Iran.

In preparation, the Bush administration has primed mainstream media so effectively, that 8 out of 10 Americans believe Iran poses an immediate threat to the U.S.

Sound familiar? Are you with me so far?

Okay… so let’s go back to 2000. The World Bank, headed up by Wolfowitz, resumed making loans to Iran… to the tune of $2.6 billion as of June 2004. The World Bank gets its funds from the International Monetary Fund… which in turn, gets its money from member nations’ dues and contributions… which the U.S. pays $37.2 billion per year.

The Federal Reserve Banking Cartel orchestrated this money scheme so that it can continue to print and loan huge numbers of debt notes. But the networks don’t tell the American people that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Congress have been funding many activities in Iran… because we might not believe the federal government’s claim that Iran’s 30-year-old, U.S. sanctioned nuclear program is somehow now an immediate threat to the security of the U.S.

The IMF and the World Bank don’t want you to know that they have fed this dog well… they just want you to think it’s going to bite if we don’t “put it down.”

So think about it… with Wolfowitz in charge of the World Bank… the Federal Reserve has once again positioned itself on both sides of the war effort. The Federal Reserve is only interested in loan collateral and interest payments… patriotism is not part of the equation.

But here’s what should really rattle your cage… the $37.2 billion the U.S. is obligated to pay the IMF annually, is actually secured by you and me. We the People… through the U.S. Congress and federal income tax… making loans to Iran easy because if Iran defaults on its World Bank loans, Congress responds to failed loans and failed banking institutions, and assumes responsibility for the loan amount… and passes the burden of repayment to the American people.

But the biggest part of the Bush administration’s charade of deceiving the American people into believing that the U.S. played no part in Iran’s uranium enrichment, is the absolute economic threat Iran poses to the global value of the U.S. dollar. Soon, the world will have the option of purchasing oil with Euros instead of dollars through the opening of the Iranian Oil Bourse. A heated debate is happening in world economies about the potential collapse of the U.S. economy… but the mainstream media isn’t reporting this. The threat is real.

If the Iran nuclear threat rhetoric is the firewall the Bush administration is hiding the U.S. dollar global supremacy behind, then any military action in Iran will be solely on behalf of the member banks of the Federal Reserve—at the expense of our troops and taxpayers.

Don’t be fooled by Bush’s claims that we are pursuing diplomatic solutions. If the world has the option of purchasing Texas Tea with Euros rather than the almighty dollar… Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld… and Rice… all stand to lose A LOT of dead presidents.

Greed is a relentless bitch.

Up next… a stunning repeat of pre-Iraq war activities.

Stay tuned…


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